The hacker group Anonymous, responsible for a series of attacks on websites of governments, companies and credit card network games online PlayStation Network (PSN), Sony announced it will hold a mass attack against Facebook in November 5. The goal of the criminals is to overthrow the site, which has more than 700 million registered users.
The attack was confirmed through Twitter and a video posted on YouTube. In it, the recording says that social networking has helped governments, “selling information to users and ensuring access to clandestine security firms to spy on people all over the world.”
The 5th of November was chosen to be related to the comic book “V for Vendetta,” whose main character, Guy Fawkes is remembered by members of Anonymous in the use of the mask feature presented in the series.
They even say in the statement that “everything you do on Facebook is the social network, regardless of privacy settings,” and that “it is impossible to delete the account because the data are stored on Facebook.” “Facebook knows more about you than your family,” says the message.
The group also warns that the day of the attack “will go down in history.”
Facebook currently has 4 VIRUSES:
2---If you get a notification that a friend reported you for offensive behavior etc.. Do not open it.
3 Is a Video saying 99% of People can not watch this for more the 15 Sec. Do not open it is also a virus.
4 All Messages from your friends via chat saying click this link .. Do not open! These are BAD... ones and will crash your computer
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